Klaus Hellmann

Klaus Hellmann Chief Veterinary Officer Argenta

In the eighties, Klaus studied veterinary medicine followed by a thesis in applied biochemistry in boar reproduction at the Veterinary School in Hannover, Germany.

From 1991 to 1994 Klaus worked at Pfizer Animal Health in Germany on technical, marketing, regulatory requirements including quality, safety and efficacy of VMPs. Since 1995, Klaus is consulting the animal health industry on the development and registration of animal health products and plans, supervises and conducts safety and efficacy studies testing veterinary medicinal products in various animal species. From 1997, as founder, he has been the General Manager of the contract research organisation and regulatory consultancy KLIFOVET, Munich, Germany. Since May 2022, he is the Chief Veterinary Officer of ARGENTA, as KLIFOVET is now part of the Argenta Group.

Klaus is active in various animal health and veterinary organisations including the Association of Veterinary Consultants (AVC), the European College for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS) for many years. More recently, he is member of the ethical committee of the Government of Upper Bavaria and represents practitioners at the stakeholder bureau of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). He has also initiated, organised and hosted multiple international conferences and workshops.

Multiple scientific publications on antiparasitics, antimicrobials, vaccines, and novel therapies in various animal species, but also on various topics of the regulation, quality and legal requirements on animal health products show his broad spectrum of expertise (www.klifovet.com).


In the eighties, Klaus studied veterinary medicine followed by a thesis in applied biochemistry in boar reproduction at the Veterinary School in Hannover, Germany.

From 1991 to 1994 Klaus worked at Pfizer Animal Health in Germany on technical, marketing, regulatory requirements including quality, safety and efficacy of VMPs. Since 1995, Klaus is consulting the animal health industry on the development and registration of animal health products and plans, supervises and conducts safety and efficacy studies testing veterinary medicinal products in various animal species. From 1997, as founder, he has been the General Manager of the contract research organisation and regulatory consultancy KLIFOVET, Munich, Germany. Since May 2022, he is the Chief Veterinary Officer of ARGENTA, as KLIFOVET is now part of the Argenta Group.

Klaus is active in various animal health and veterinary organisations including the Association of Veterinary Consultants (AVC), the European College for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS) for many years. More recently, he is member of the ethical committee of the Government of Upper Bavaria and represents practitioners at the stakeholder bureau of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). He has also initiated, organised and hosted multiple international conferences and workshops.

Multiple scientific publications on antiparasitics, antimicrobials, vaccines, and novel therapies in various animal species, but also on various topics of the regulation, quality and legal requirements on animal health products show his broad spectrum of expertise (www.klifovet.com).

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